Upon my return from the UK I am filled with mixed emotions. I was in Manchester, the city of my Father’s birth, known as The Rainy City, and true to form it maintained its reputation. But it didn’t matter, we Carol and I, were with a group of wonderful ladies who truly inspired our enthusiasm […]

If one 30 minute MLD session can affect the skin of a 75 year old male, what do you think a series of treatments might accomplish?   ASTECC’s  Dynamic Duo: MLD & CTM The Ultimate Rejuvenating Treatment: Where Aesthetics Embrace Therapy.  Combining connective tissue with MLD not only lifts, tones, sculpts and elasticizes the skin […]

Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) has been, without a doubt, the most difficult modality I have ever learned. Trust me. These are not just my words …but the words of so many therapists I have trained over the years.  I have witnessed the struggle and the determination it takes to master a technique which […]


What exactly does our Lymphatic vessel system do?  It is, for all purposes, a collection system. It collects particular matter, cellular metabolic wastes, foreign substances, pathogens, dust and dyes, water and excess or metabolized proteins. One of its major loads is dead cells. Virtually anything that could cause a problem if left within the tissue […]

I am prompted to write this article following a conversation I had today with an esthetician pursuing post graduate training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage. The conversation revolved around her desire to learn the Vodder Technique as she has been receiving treatment from ‘a Certified MLD /Clinical Wellness Therapist and the effects of the treatment have been profound having made a […]

Why do I love what I do?  It’s fascinating, I can never get bored and I love seeing results… So just to give you a breakdown of my current case load…  I love what I do because I feel as though I am making a difference and creating new and lasting connections. ASTECCians….please share. Would […]

I am so filled with gratitude. Thank you, thank you. On a particularly difficult morning in which I was wrestling with the business side of MLD, I was reminded of the real purpose of my work. I returned home from a gratifying hands-on session with an elderly client suffering with severe pain down her legs […]

Not long ago I had the opportunity to speak to a group of Spa owners and their managers. Before beginning my talk I asked them what ‘Spa’ meant to them and the words ‘indulgent’, ‘pampering’, ‘luxury’, ‘beauty’, ‘cosmetic’ and ‘product’ filled the room. Not one person mentioned ‘therapeutic’ or ‘rejuvenating’  let alone  ‘life changing’ and my […]

Recently, it’s been a whirlwind. Today I’m in Deer Valley doing a Thermastone training with ASTECC teacher-in-training, Ashley Jo. Last week I was in Naples, Florida teaching Dr. Vodder’s Basic Body program to a group of therapists associated with the Ritz. Week before it was Aroma-Reflex at Grand Del Mar in San Diego. In two […]

It’s All About The Environment In my last blog I discussed the fluid body and the vital role our inner ocean (aka – our cellular environment ) plays in our health and wellbeing. To expand on this subject I would like to share with you the fascinating and inspiring story of Alexis Carrel – a […]

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