2025 live trainings

Discover the Power Within Your Hands

Nurturing Beauty Inside Out with Holistic Esthetician and Therapist Education

With a focus on health, wellness and beauty from the inside out, ASTECC Esthetician and Therapist trainings emphasize therapeutic techniques, analysis, protocols and the application of organic, natural elements. ASTECC is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a
Continuing Education Provider (#049736-00).

Each segment of education connects the dots of taking the student deeper into the architectural framework of the body. We essentially teach layer by layer and the interconnectedness between.


Massage therapy Path

All journeys begin with a foundation of knowledge

Introductory offerings

The functions of the skin and what this means to The Holistic Esthetician


courses designed to take you from beginner to advanced

The Holistic Esthetician Path





The Holistic Esthetician Program

become certified

This includes all 7 courses required to achieve your holistic esthetician certification. You will acquire in depth knowledge on the anatomy, skills and business basics to thrive in your own wellness practice. 

focus is on Face and Neck

ready to enroll

( Reg price: $8,700 )

save $700 with this bundle

Certification price:

total price: $8000 uSD

*Payment plans are available

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Connective Tissue Natural Facelift

($1000 usd)

Part 1 -MLD Neck & Face: Foundational

($1000 usd)

Part 2 - MLD Neck & Face: Advanced

($1000 usd)

Module 3 - Program Design

($2295 usd)

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Module 1 - Soft Tissue Therapies

($2295 usd)

Module 2 -Manual Lymph Drainage

($2000 usd)

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Feel free to book a call with us anytime and we can discuss what option is best for you to achieve your goals.

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A La Carte Courses

Explore individual courses tailored to your specific interests by purchasing them separately from our a la carte options below.

Not sure what's right for you?

Holistic Esthetician

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The Master Clinic
(3 day in person)

($1250 usd)

courses designed to take you from beginner to advanced

The massage therapist Path

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The Fluid Connection: The Brain

$1250 usd

Connective Tissue Body - Part 1

$950 usd

Connective Tissue Therapeutic Application - Part 2

$950 usd

 MLD Basic Body

$1325 usd

MLD Advanced Body Clinical Wellness

$1390 usd

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$1325 usd

Biochemical Elements

$950 usd

Personal Lifestyle profile

$1325 usd


$950 usd

AromaReflex Therapy

$1325 usd


$1250 usd

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A La Carte Courses

Manual Lymph Drainage Body

The Subtle Body 

the river of life

massage therapist

Explore individual courses tailored to your specific interests by purchasing them separately from our a la carte options below.

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Lymphatic Clinical Review - Therapist
(3 day in person)

($1250 usd)

clinical wellness review

Upcoming Trainings

live & in person

2025 Trainings





Dates to Come







Dates to Come

Her knowledge base is incredible. I feel like I just scratched the surface on what there is to know. But I feel very equipped to go out and perform the protocol. I’m going to make a transition to all private MLD because it is more important than anyone even knows.

"Class is fantastic! Anne is life changing!"


Wow, so definitely one of the hardest experiences that I’ve been through. Throughout my massage career but definitely one of the most rewarding. Plenty of tears and laughs. Met tons of new friends that I’m excited to come back and see again in a few years. Anne was wonderful, highly recommend her. And Gabby of course. Overall a really great team and loved all of the support and the patience was appreciated!

"Anne was wonderful, Highly Recommend!"


I was already doing lymphatic drainage but there was really no formal training. But know that I know what I know and I get to take that back to my patients. I am just so blessed to have been here and experience the education. It was so scientific which was so important to me since I was a nurse. I feel really confident to go back to offer these services to my patients. I thank you all for the opportunity to learn.

"I’m just so blessed to have found Anne! "


I feel like Anne’s guidance is really going to get me through and I’m going to get better and better at these strokes. And I believe this work is really really important. And it’s just been very special to be here.

"I feel very privilege to earn this certificate."


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Recognized by the international spa, clinical wellness and medical communities, The Vodder Technique Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a versatile, non-invasive, light touch therapy indicated for over 60 different pathologies including Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Cellulite, Chronic ENT Infections, Burns, Acne, Scars, Constipation, Bells Palsy, Eczema, Psoriasis, sport injuries and various inflammatory processes.

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What is body brushing?

Did you know Dry Skin Brushing can play a significant role in maintaining optimal functioning of your skin? A short, five minute daily routine of body brushing can do just about everyone a world of good. Your skin will look and feel better, you’ll have more energy, a healthier outlook and softer, smoother skin.

Our lymphatic system is responsible for the processing and removal of dead cells, pathogenic material & metabolic wastes. Stimulating the lymphatic system with regular body brushing accelerates the removal of metabolic waste material allowing for the re-nourishment and rejuvenation of our skin. Some of the health and therapeutic benefits of Dry Skin Body Brushing include: improved appearance of skin tone, alleviation of congestion which may lead to fluid retention and/or broken veins, the removal of dead cells promotes softer, healthier skin, improved energy, and skin more adaptive to temperature changes.

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An all natural, true rejuvenation ‘face lifting’ technique, Connective Tissue firms, tones and balances the tissue while enhancing collagen synthesis and encouraging deep relaxation.

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What is Aroma Reflex Therapy?

Drawing from oriental diagnosis and constitutional analysis this aromatic inspired, intentional touch therapy explores the skin’s reflex action and the telltale signs of distress of underlying tissue which may compromise the integrity and vitality of our skin. Employing facial drainage techniques, essential oils serve as rejuvenating medium for treatment and re-balancing.

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What is Aroma Reflexology?

A rebalancing technique corresponding to the anatomy and physiology of organ function, Reflexology is based on the principle the entire body may be accessed through specific reflexes. Effective in identifying and addressing areas of congestion, practical instruction emphasizes thumb & finger placement, techniques and structured protocols.

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What is connective tissue massage?

Based on the theory of dermatome reflexes, this Elizabeth Dicke inspired program is particularly effective in addressing circulatory problems (cellulite, spider veins, fluid retention) while promoting regenerative relaxation. Practical training focuses on analysis and treatment skills and includes routines for the abdomen, lower back and legs.

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What is hydrotherapy?

Water Therapy - study examines the therapeutic benefits of hot and cold applications and the influence of temperature on the circulatory system.

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What is the lymphatic system?

For many years the value of the Lymphatic System had been undermined, but in truth it plays the most essential roles of maintaining our resistance to infection and supporting fluid balance/homeostasis. As a drainage system it collects waste matter and recycles them when possible. As our immune system it has roaming sentries and major strongholds for fighting off foreign organisms. The lymphatic system is a vital and magical essence that on it’s journey transforms from waste matter to nutrient dense molecular substances before rejoining the blood.

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What are some of the conditions you can treat with Manual Lymph Drainage?

Manual Lymph Drainage is indicated for over 60 different pathologies including Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Cellulite, Chronic ENT Infections, Burns, Acne, Scars, Constipation, Bells Palsy, Eczema, Psoriasis, sport injuries acne, scars, burns, rosacea, eczema, , puffy eyes and post cosmetic recovery.and numerous inflammatory processes.

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What is the best manual lymph Drainage?

With a focus on analysis, therapeutic techniques and the integrity of strokes, Dr. Vodder’s MLD is universally recognized as the gold standard of Manual Lymphatic Drainage training. Featuring therapist and esthetician trainings taught by ASTECC founder and MLD instructor Anne Bramham, trainings are approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a Continuing Education Provider (#049736-00).

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What is a holistic esthetician?

A holistic esthetician is one who understands the skin is the largest organ of the body and is connected to all systems within. They bring to their practice an essence of mindfulness and connection to create a relaxation response within the body to promote healing and true rejuvenation. They recognize we as humans are part of an ecosystem - and take into account both the internal and external environments of their client.

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What is spa?

Spa means Sanitas Per Aquam - which means health via water. We consider this not just the water outside our body but also the water within. 

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Can a massage therapist take the esthetician classes?

Yes because we teach hands on therapeutic techniques these are also under the scope of a massage therapist. Massage therapists will receive CEUS for the classes.

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have questions about which training is right for you?

Complete the form below and we will get back to you within 48 hours.




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